Major Research
World-class research from a first of its kind foundation.
The American Leadership & Policy Foundation (ALPF) prides itself as America’s only citizen directed research and policy foundation. The groundbreaking research ALPF develops and publishes is by the people, for the people. In a political environment where special interest groups, corporations, and establishments largely dominate the public policy arena, the American Leadership & Policy Foundation stands firm to provide a vital counterbalance. The unique perspective and research generated by ALPF originates with civically concerned thought leaders, experts, and professionals who generate world-class policy analysis from the frontline of their respective fields. Now, more than ever, critical, thought-provoking research is needed to expand our knowledge on paramount policy areas and subject matters and to better understand the anarchic international environment around us.
Drones in the U.S. National Airspace System: A Safety and Security Assessment
Since 9/11, the United States government has made extensive investments to safeguard citizens, cherished monuments, critical infrastructure and key government installations. Unfortunately, many safeguards are easily bypassed by overflight. On January 26, 2015, a small drone bypassed the fences and radar protecting the White House and crashed unceremoniously onto the south lawn. Back in 2012, Congressman Michael McCaul stated: “Now is the time to ensure these vulnerabilities are mitigated to protect our aviation system as the use of UAS (unmanned aircraft systems or “drones”) continues to grow.” Despite his warning, three primary problems exist for UAS as they enter the United States’ national airspace: (1) inadequate safety systems, (2) inadequate statutes, and (3) incomplete threat analyses.
To learn more about drones in the U.S. Airspace, read ALPF’s full report here or click on the cover image to the right to open a new window and read the report online or download a copy to your computer.
Electromagnetic Pulse and Space Weather and the Strategic Threat to America’s Nuclear Power Stations
Through global reach and global power, we have the ability to hold the interests of any adversary in the world at risk within minutes. But, there is one vulnerability that threatens to significantly degrade our ability to not only project power abroad, but protect our own homeland – electromagnetic pulse.
The American Leadership and Policy Foundation has produced objective, vetted research that exposes the vulnerabilities of the United States’ power grid and, more specifically, the nuclear power grid and associated generation facilities. While the threats of EMP caused by a high-altitude nuclear detonation or the similar force of massive geomagnetic disturbance event are neither novel nor probable, they represent a real existential threat that could render useless all means of offensive and defensive actions in all domains of Air Force operations.
To learn more about the threats EMP poses to the United States, read ALPF’s full report here or click on the cover image to the right to open a new window and read the report online or download a copy to your computer. Read the press release here.
Electromagnetic Pulse and Space Weather Final Report
Preventative Financial Education in the Department of Defense: A Way Forward
In January 2015, the Military Compensation and Retirement Commission (MCRMC) reported a series of recommendations to modernize pay and benefits of the Uniformed Services to the President of the United States and Congress. One of the most critical recommendations focused on the frequency and quality of financial literacy training for service members and their families. The Department of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff were encouraged to collaborate with non-profit organizations to make the improvements and implement the other recommendations from the Committee. The American Leadership and Policy Foundation (ALPF) is a registered 501(C)3 non-profit organization built by citizen leaders who are professionals with expertise in defense, national security, finance, and financial education.
ALPF is acting on the MCRMC’s recommendations, which supports our military and foundational goal, to provide pure solutions and analysis for a strong America. The impact from the recommended changes to the retirement and benefits system will have an immediate and drastic impact on all service members and their families. ALPF considers preventive financial education a critical component to military readiness and quality of life for the All-Volunteer force throughout the benefits modernization process. The ALPF proposal to build a preventive financial education program expands the current DoD support infrastructure, improves service members’ readiness, and develops a culture of personal financial responsibility.
To learn more about financial education in the Department of Defense, read ALPF’s full report here or click on the cover image to the right to open a new window and read the report online or download a copy to your computer.